Grater cake is one is a classic Jamaican sweet pastry made from coconut and sugar. It’s easy to make and serves as a desert for parties.
3 cup(s) dried coconut
2 cup(s) granulated sugar
1/4 cup(s) water
1/8 teaspoon(s) almond essence
1/4 teaspoon(s) salt
1 teaspoon(s) red food colouring
Peel off the brown portion of the coconut, wash, grate and set aside.
Combine grated coconut, granulated sugar and water in a pot and put to boil. Reduce to medium flame, mix in the almond essence and the salt. Stir constantly until mixture thickens.
Remove a 1/3 of the mixture and add a small amount of red food colouring to give a delicate pink colour.
Scrape remaining coconut mixture into a greased casserole dish and spread evenly.
Spread the pink coloured coconut evenly over the white mixture.
Set aside for 25-30 minutes or until sufficiently cooled.
Cut into squares and serve.
Preparation time 20m
Cooking time 1h
Serving 10
How do you bringmixture to boil withonly 1/4 cup water? I do not understand. Lorna